Designing Tools:
Easy EDA
The smart shoe project is an innovative venture aiming to revolutionize the footwear industry by developing shoes that prioritize adaptability and comfort. Utilizing cutting-edge materials and ergonomic design principles, the shoes will seamlessly conform to the wearer's movements, providing enhanced flexibility and support. In firmware , BMD-300-A-R controller is used which is based on nRF52832, LTC2499 ADC  driver is used for Pressure Sensors, Led-WS2812 and Led-PWM applications is utilized in order to control RGB lights. The project seeks to redefine traditional footwear concepts, offering a dynamic and versatile solution for individuals with diverse lifestyles and activities.
Smart Shoe:
A Skiing shoe for training the new skiers.
8-layers PCB
Wireless Charging (STWLC38JRM)
BMD 300
ADC (LTC2499)
Accelerometer (MPU9250)
Magnetic Sensor (AH3376)
Motor Drivers (DRV8833)

Smart Shoe


Smart Shoe
